Give It All
Guitar Pro Tab | v5.10
| Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 4:40 p.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
Siren Song of the Counter Culture
Song Author
Tim McIlrath
File Size
59 KB
Break through the un-der-tow, your hands I can't seem to find.
Pol-lu-tion burns my tongue, cough words I can't speak so I
sto-op my strug-gl-ing, then I float to the sur-face,
fi-ill my-y lungs with air, then let it out.
I give it a-o-all, now there's a re-ea-so-on why I sing.
So give it a-o-o-all, and it's these rea-sons that be-long to-o me.
Rock bot-toms where we live, and still we dig these tren-ches,
to bu-ry our-selves in them, backs brea-king un-der ten-sion.
For far too long these voi-ces, muf-fled by dis-tan-ces,
it's time to come to our sen-ses, up from the dirt.
I give it a-o-all, now there's a re-ea-so-on why I sing.
So give it a-o-o-all, and it's these rea-sons that be-long to-o me.
Breathe, the air we give, the lives we live, our pul-ses ra-ci-ing dis-ta-an-ces.
So wet my tongue, break in-to song, through seas of com-pe-e-ti-ti-on.
So please be-li-eve yo-our eyes, a sac-ri-i-fice,
is not what we ha-ad in o-our minds.
I'm co-ming ho-ome to-o-night, home to-o-night...
I give it a-o-all, now there's a re-ea-so-on why I sing.
So give it a-o-o-all, and it's these rea-sons that be-long to-o me.
To-day I of-fer up my-se-elf to-o this. I'm li-i-vi-ing for my dy-y-i-ing wish.
I give it a-o-all, now there's a re-ea-so-on, there's a re-a-son, to give it all.